Goal $4,000

team tilly

Fundraising for Cancer Council
Cancer Council
Mystery Box Rally 2024
Our Story …

Welcome to the Team Tilly 2024 Mystery Box Rally Page.

Anthony and Trent are two Central Coast (NSW) dads who are racing for a cause and to generate awareness around Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG).

DIPG is a type of brain tumour that starts in the brain stem which controls breathing, heart rate and the nerves and muscles that help us see, hear, walk, talk and eat.

It is incurable and treatment has not changed since Neil Armstrong’s daughter was diagnosed with it in the 1950s.

Cancer, Cancer research and the impact it has on those who experience this illness, and their loved ones means a lot to both Anthony and Trent.

It is something that is especially significant for Trent and his family, as his daughter Matilda (Tilly) Emma-Jayne Ogier lost her life to DIPG in 2023.

After a brave, 2-year battle, Tilly passed away on 29 August 2023 at the age of 9, just short of her 10th Birthday.

Tilly’s story while devastating for all who knew and loved her, is unfortunately not an uncommon one.

Each day, parents across Australia are facing the same conversation with doctors around their children when it comes to DIPG.

While the grief following the loss of Tilly blurs nearly everything for her parents and family, there is hope that sharing her story and raising funds for ongoing research will help to keep her memory alive.

We are also hoping it will honour her life by raising awareness of the impact DIPG has had on them and many families across Australia by raising funds for Cancer Council as part of the 2024 Mystery Box Rally.

We are hoping to raise as much funds as possible and would appreciate any support you can give along the way. Thank you

Ant and Trent

You can follow our progress via the FB page at: @TeamTilly-2024MysteryBoxRally

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Here's what I'm doing …

Teams will drive their own 25+ year old cars along a mystery route in this unique 5-day challenge, all in the name of cancer research. The route is a loop starting and finishing at the same location, but all the other details are kept under wraps, only given to the teams each morning.

The rally is not a race – it’s a fun, colourful, unpredictable adventure with participants travelling at their own pace in smaller groups. Vehicles often break down but “we never leave anyone behind” and each night is spent camping beneath the stars and celebrating the day’s achievements. It all adds up to an incredible opportunity to see Australia’s vast and beautiful countryside and make lifelong friends, many brought together after experiencing cancer themselves or seeing cancer impact family and friends.

Since it’s inception the rally has been the largest fundraiser for the Cancer Council nationally.

raised: $1,334,908
target: $1,300,000
donate now
team tilly Feed
showing 29 / 29
1 year ago
team tilly
Leticia Harris gave $50.00.
Always thinking of you mate. Lots of love from my family to yours 💛
1 year ago
thankyou leticia it means alot
1 year ago
team tilly
Kaila Dalli gave $20.00.
Kaila & Maliyia (rmh family) 💜
1 year ago
thankyou kaila we couldnt do it without support
1 year ago
team tilly
Stewart Grubb gave $300.00.
Go team Tilly!!. Love Savannah and Amelia! ❤️🦄🌈
1 year ago
very generous stewart much appreciated mate thankyou
1 year ago
team tilly
Steven Cooper gave $500.00.
1 year ago
thankyou steven for your much appreciated donation and for the kind words on facebook love ya buddy
1 year ago
team tilly
Jason Duffield gave $50.00.
Good luck Trent.Thinking of you and Tilly ❤️
1 year ago
thanks duff every little bit helps and is much appreciated
1 year ago
team tilly
Erin Hartwig gave $25.00.
For Tilly xx
1 year ago
thankyou erin much appreciated
11 months ago
team tilly
Anonymous gave $20.00.
11 months ago
team tilly
Nerida Holford gave $20.00.
From Tai
10 months ago
thankyou nerida and tai
10 months ago
team tilly
Gwandalan Bowling Club gave $390.00.
10 months ago
thanks you to gwandalan bowling club and steve rigney for helping
10 months ago
team tilly
anthony weiland gave $121.00.
people of gwandalan
9 months ago
team tilly
Anonymous gave $504.00.
9 months ago
team tilly
Dianna Margetts gave $100.00.
To The Tilly Team We hope you achieve your donation goal. From Chris and Dianna Mitchell
9 months ago
thanks Dianna love you buddy
9 months ago
team tilly
Kathryn Sweeney gave $50.00.
Good Luck
9 months ago
team tilly
Alex Diabelko gave $100.00.
9 months ago
thank you Alex much appreciated
9 months ago
team tilly
Sharon Hockey gave $335.00.
9 months ago
team tilly
Anonymous gave $60.00.
Raffle Ticket sales
9 months ago
team tilly
Kirsty Mutu gave $20.00.
Youve got this guys! Ill be cheering you on. Miss our little unicorn
9 months ago
thanks Kirsty we are painting as many unicorns on the car as we can
9 months ago
team tilly
Emily Wilson gave $10.00.
$10 for 3 tickets. Wishing you all the best with the rally
9 months ago
thank you Emily
9 months ago
team tilly
Anonymous gave $920.00.
9 months ago
team tilly
Anonymous gave $100.00.
Best of luck team Tilly!
9 months ago
team tilly
Anonymous gave $305.00.
Great effort everyone. A very special cause.
9 months ago
team tilly
Jasmjn Jenkins gave $200.00.
Thinking of you Trent and your beautiful girl. This is such an epic way to raise awareness and I hope your rally gives you lots of nights under the bright stars and in the wild with friends.
9 months ago
thanks jasmjn yes hoping its a fun night and that our car can bring some more awareness to dipg
8 months ago
team tilly
Katie Robinson gave $50.00.
8 months ago
team tilly
Anonymous gave $1,800.00.
trivia night
8 months ago
team tilly
team tilly
<p>At the heart of Team Tilly, is Tilly's story... </p><p></p><p>Matilda (Tilly) Emma- Jayne Ogier was a bright, bubbly, sassy seven-year-old when cancer changed her story. At the age of 7, her loves centred around anything that featured her favourite colour of rainbow, unicorns and listening to her dad’s favourite music among many other things. </p><p></p><p>Unfortunately, a new focus came into view for her and her family after she was diagnosed with a cancer that not many people can pronounce, let alone understand. Her diagnosis on June 8, 2021 came about after her Dad Trent and Mum Carly pushed for further testing due to her experiencing a sudden onset of balance problems, mood changes, eye sight issues and feelings of disorientation.</p><p></p><p> Neither of them expected that following an MRI they would find themselves transferred to Westmead Children’s Hospital where they would be faced with a parent’s worst nightmare, a conversation with doctors about how long their daughter had to live. </p><p></p><p>Tilly was diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DPIG) a type of brain tumour that starts in the brain stem which controls breathing, heart rate and the nerves and muscles that help us see, hear, walk, talk and eat. Unfortunately, there is no cure and it is currently one of the deadliest childhood cancers. </p><p></p><p>Doctors told Tilly and her family that the best-case scenario was that she would survive only for another two years if she underwent numerous radiation treatments. Devastatingly, they said that even with radiation, it wouldn’t stop the illness from taking her life. </p><p></p><p>After a brave, two-year battle in which her tumour was relatively stable, it was discovered she had a large secondary tumour and multiple traces in her abdomen. Always one to be an individual and stand out in a crowd, Tilly’s new tumours contained the same markers as those from her brain stem and became the first documented case world-wide to experience this. However, sadly due to complications from this, she rapidly deteriorated and passed away on 29 August 2023 at the age of 9, just short of her 10th Birthday. </p>
8 months ago
team tilly
team tilly
<p>We are on our way thanks to all our generous supporters across the community! We've ticked off the Team Tilly Raffle and now the Team Tilly Trivia Night. Next on the cards is a Car show in July with a date to be confirmed very soon! In the meantime, please keep supporting team tilly and remember you can follow for updates via the Facebook page at @Team Tilly-2024 Mystery Box Rally</p>
8 months ago
team tilly
team tilly
<p>Understanding our Mission: What is DIPG?</p><p></p><p>DIPG is a type of brain tumour that starts in the brain stem and sadly it is a cancer which sadly primarily effects children aged 6-9 years old.</p><p>Did you know DIPG cancer primarily affects children, with most diagnoses occurring between 5 and 7 years of age?</p><p>It is a fatal diagnosis for children, with no cure and currently makes up 10-15% of all brain tumours in children. </p><p>It also kills more children than any other childhood cancer. </p><p>Once a child has been diagnosed, most parents are advised to make memories with their children because they'll be unlikely to live 2 years past diagnosis.</p><p>Tilly was diagnosed just before she turned 8 and sadly didn't make it to her 10th birthday. She is just one of many children who have been taken too soon due to DIPG.</p><p>While some progress has been made with funding for research into DIPG there is still much to be done for this illness and all cancers. </p><p>We held the Team Tilly Trivia night in honour of Tilly and also DIPG awareness day on 17 May 2024. </p><p>However, Tilly's story isn't a story in isolation, there are so many families currently navigating the loss and trauma of supporting a child diagnosed with DIPG.</p><p>You can learn more via: https://www.dipg.org/facts/dipg-survival-rate-and-prognosis/</p>
6 months ago
team tilly
Anonymous gave $500.00.
All the best from the Dragons
6 months ago
team tilly
John Ventura gave $15.00.
Couldnt make it to the show, heres a donation however. Good luck!
Team Sponsors
The Impact, Outcomes & Charity

Mystery Box Rally is a dedicated fundraising event for cancer research with funds going to Cancer Council.

Cancer Council is one of the largest non-government funders of cancer research in Australia. We conduct and fund research studies across all cancers and all stages of the cancer journey.

Thanks to the community funds raised such as Mystery Box Rally we can fund world-class research that reduces the impact of cancer for everyone.

$50 million over the past 15 years has been raised by Box Rallies to date, supporting ground-breaking projects such as:

  • A research study to develop a vaccine that protects against lymphoma cancers.
  • A research trial to standardise international guidelines on melanoma removal.
  • A research grant to revolutionise the treatment of pancreatic cancer.

These projects wouldn’t be possible without your support.